Prayer for Lent

Dear Sibling Christ,

It's a long way, this walk of Lent, and we are just taking our first, shaky steps. Like: 

   -a baby, calculating a toddle across the living room for the first time. 

   -an elder with a new hip and a walker gazing all the way down the hospital hallway. 

   -a disciple at the top of the cool mountain, getting ready to hike back down into the

dust and dis-ease of the city.  

The distance between here and Jerusalem seems impossibly far to traverse. We have far to go, and every year we remember we have never taken just this walk, in just this way, ever before. 


Remind us, then, Dear Sibling, of all of those in many times and many places who have made these tentative steps before us. Open our eyes to see that where they went, they made a path that we can follow. Unlock our hearts so we may know this deeply. The end is indeed far-off and you will be with us every single step of the way. In your many tenacious, tireless names we pray, Amen. 


Through New Eyes


Drawing the Circle Wider