Refugee Welcome Kit Gratitude

Dear Bridgeport Members and Friends:

Thank you for participating in buying and gathering items to fill our "Refugee Welcome Kits!" Our Bridgeport community provided four kits for Afghanistan refugee families. Two of the kits contained cleaning supplies which can be expensive when setting up a household. How wonderful for these families to start their lives in a new home with practical items such as laundry soap and cleaning items. In addition, we provided two kits with a "Welcome" theme. Imagine a newly settled refugee family setting out their new doormat or unpacking their kit of gifts knowing there are people who care about them and who welcome them to their new country. We at Bridgeport demonstrated our extravagant welcome through this project.
Your Justice and Witness team thanks you for your support and involvement!


The Long Game


Justice and Witness – Cooking Meals for People living on the Streets