Earth Month 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

Happy Earth Month 2024!

Many people watch our Earth worsening and think there is nothing they can do to help.

"I am just one person." is a common theme among those who feel like our skies are falling.

Many look to our government to help, and get discouraged as they watch fights about every topic besides the fate of our planet.

So you might be asking yourself... what can I do?

If one digs into the internet, one might become aware of Earth Month's global theme this year. That theme is "Planet vs. Plastics." This alliterative theme is becoming a rally for people to address one of our largest environmental issues - pollution from plastic, a toxic substance that seems to stick around forever.

It is predicted that by 2050, there will be more more plastic than fish in the sea. Additionally, almost 99% of this plastic waste is a byproduct of fossil fuels.

Here is a list of ideas to help reduce your plastic waste. Try to get your friends and family to commit to these practices as well.

  • Refuse plastic straws when you eat out and bring a reusable straw.

  • Use tote bags instead of disposable bags at the grocery store.

  • Study your buying habits. Are there ways you can buy fewer items in plastic packaging?

  • Invest in products that can be reused.

  • Try to repurpose and upcycle things instead of buying more stuff.

Try to become more conscientious this year and do your part to help save our planet. No action is too small.


I Was a Neighbor & You Welcomed Me