Friday Prayer

Creating One,

In an era of destruction, as bombs fall once again on the innocent, you call us to remember that we live in your image. In our lives, in our nations, in all that is born today and every day, give us the radical courage to be as you would have us be. In all things, make and and remake us – creative and creating, loving and growing, praying and working for peace.

Breathing One,

All around us, those who would stifle the breath of your children seem to thrive. Infuse us with the power of your ruah which comes like a rush of a wind to blow justice into the dustiest corners of your world. Invigorate us as we march forward with audacious determination, always strengthened by your renewing spirit of power.

Living One,

All around us, agents of death seem to grow more powerful. But remind us always that there is another, more mighty still. Come to us again, we pray. Remind us that life will always find a way, pushing through the cracks, reaching for the sun. Remind us that your life force is within each one of us, and with us a gathered people, now and always.


Written by the Rev. Jennifer Garrison Brownell

Posted on, used with permission.


Drawing the Circle Wider


Today is Martin luther king jr. day