Justice & Witness Ministry Team

Our commitment to peace and justice is core to our identity as a Christian community. We believe that our job as Christians is to reflect God’s love and compassion in the world. Our congregation actively works for justice by being politically engaged, participating in protests and vigils, advocating for those whose voices are being silenced, and doing our own internal work.

Bridgeport United Church of Christ has designations for being a congregation that is Open & Affirming, Anti-Racist, Immigrant Welcoming, and Just Peace. Each of these titles reflect a specific covenant that we have made as a community.

In worship on Sunday mornings, we begin by acknowledging systems that took land from the First Nations people, enslaved Africans, and that favor white-skinned people, even today. We commit ourselves to learning what we did not learn, and working against white supremacy and Christan nationalism.

Our beliefs are lived out by being dedicated to advocating for immigrants & refugees and the houseless. We believe that Black & Brown Lives Matter. We are serious about unlearning racism in all its forms. And we enthusiastically affirm those in the LGBTQAI+ community. We stand against anti-semitism, islamophobia, misogyny, transphobia, and homophobia.